The Qur’an is the Book of Allah and His remaining message on earth. Every Muslim must pay attention to the words of his Lord, Understand Al-Quran, and contemplate its verses and rulings. And if a person is unable to carry the Book of Allah in his chest, he has no excuse for failing to learn […]
There is usually a great confusion between the concept of quran tarteel and Tajweed of the Qur’an, as Tajweed of the Qur’an is concerned with reading the Qur’an correctly, free of errors, while tarteel al quran is how you read the Holy Qur’an, and therefore, through our paragraphs, we will learn more details about tarteel […]
The Holy Qur’an is the book of Allah that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and it is the book that carries within it guidance and direction for humanity. quran learning online is considered one of the greatest deeds that Muslims can do. It is not only […]
Let’s know why was surah Fussilat revealed. Surat Fussilat has fifty-four verses and belongs to the Seven Family. Its verses are centred around philosophical ideas including unity, the message, resurrection, restitution, and reckoning. Our website in this article provides you with the reasons for the revelation of Surat Fussilat. Surah Fussilat The word Fussilat appears […]
Surah luqman (in Arabic: لُقمان) is considered one of the Mathani, and surah luqman is Meccan surah, As for the question of who is Luqman in surah Luqman? Luqman was named Luqman al-Hakim the son of Ayyub’s sister, Luqman was a wise man, and a slave of great thought, good judgment, and silence, who loved […]
Surah hijr (In Arabic:الحِجْرْ) is one of the Meccan surahs that were revealed in Mecca to relieve the Prophet of his grief at the separation of his loved ones. Surah al hijr was revealed in a difficult period in the life of the Prophet, during which he lost his wife, who was a support for […]
What is the main theme of surah al furqan? Surah al furqan ( in Arabic: الفرقان, meaning: The Criterion) is the 25th chapter surah of the Qur’an, also known as Tabarak (تبارك), Al furqan means separator of the truth from falsehood. Surah Al-Furqan discusses topics such as monotheism, Qiyamah, prophethood, and fighting idolatry and its […]
what are prepositions in Arabic? Prepositions in arabic are letters that enter on nouns only and give them the rule of a preposition (reduction), and it was called by this name because it draws the meaning of the verb that preceded it to the noun that follows it, or because it draws the noun after […]
what is the main theme of surah al mumtahina? surah mumtahina is madinan surah and its name came from the Arabic word “al imtihan” which means in English “the test”. Muslims have always been tested, their faith, loyalty, and obedience to Allah and his prophet, surah al mumtahina showed us that, since the days of […]
how to wish for wedding in Islam? Marriage is the source of happiness and stability for man. Allah Almighty created women to be the sisters of men. A man cannot live without a woman, and a woman cannot live without a man. The Almighty said: (And Allah has made for you in your homes a […]