Islamic Studies

Islamic Studies Course

Islamic Studies Course - Quran Oasis

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About Islamic Studies Course

Learn all you need about the Islam religion for you or your kids; this course is personalized and customized based on students’ age, knowledge, and needs.

Islamic Studies course covers a wide range of subjects that are essential for every Muslim including but not limited to:

  1. Quran ‒ Quran learning through this course is divided into different sub-courses that include Memorization, Recitation, Tajweed, and Tafseer.
  2. Hadith ‒ The hadith represents a personal source of divine guidance that Allah granted his prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which was similar in its nature to the Quran itself.
  3. Aqidah ‒ It rounds about belief in Allah (God) and Tawhid (monotheism), belief in the angels, belief in the holy book and prophets, belief in the Resurrection, and belief in predestination.
  4. Fiqh ‒ It develops a deep understanding of the different matters of Islamic law. It interprets rules of Allah that concern actions, what is required (Wajib), sinful (haraam), recommended (mandub), disapproved (makruh), or neutral (mubah).
  5. Islamic History ‒ It covers the full history of Islam from the beginning of creation until recent history.

 Why choose the course?

Undoubtedly, there are many advantages that allow you to memorize Islamic Studies Course, which is due to the fact that you actually need to rely on the Internet, the most prominent of which are:

  • Now you do not need to go down and go to the memorization office and wait for your turn, especially since there are many parents who are busy many times, which indicates that there is difficulty in this matter, in particular in the Gulf, so Islamic Studies Course is important. 
  • learn islam online is the most prominent way through which you can enable your children to memorize the Holy Qur’an within a record period of time.
  • You must know well that the process of obtaining a great deal of excellence – or the methods that facilitate the memorization process through applications, drawings, sounds and recordings – is what undoubtedly contributes to the ease of memorizing online Qur’an.
  • And it also clarifies many of its meanings to children, so you must be careful. Every care is taken to be fully aware of all the advantages that you can gain through this plan, which actually motivates you to teach online so that you can obtain all of these advantages.
  • Electronic sessions dedicated to  Islamic Studies Course and reviewing the Holy Qur’an remotely, in addition to licensing the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim and other narrations.
  • It also contains reading and ijaza councils, which are recitations that help prepare adults and children to memorize the Holy Qur’an.
  • Among the services of the Quran Oasis is the service of Islamic Studies Course, in addition to providing online Tajweed courses.
  • It provides a very distinctive Qur’anic service, which is Islamic Studies Course, which have special virtues, according to a specific curriculum. After completing the memorization of this curriculum, a test is conducted for the beneficiary in order to obtain a certificate. 

In the Islamic Studies course, you will learn:

  • Foundation knowledge of the principles of Islam
  • Acts of worship
  • 5 Pillars of Islam
  • 6 Pillars of Faith in Islam
  • The tools needed to navigate the basic tenants of faith
  • Practical insight into living the theoretical principles of faith
  • Islamic Philosophy
  • Islamic History
  • Stories of the prophets
  • Fiqh
  • Aqidah
  • Hadith
  • Tafseer of Quran (interpretation)
Islamic Studies Course - Quran Oasis

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