How do you raise your children in Islam? One of the most important foundations for raising children in Islam is to teach them about their religion and to try it with them from an early age, gradually, as children begin to imitate parents in prayer movements and fasting for some parts of the day. characteristics […]
What are the characteristics of a Muslim? A characteristic of a good Muslim is a peaceful person, whether he is with those who adhere to his religion or other than his religion. As for the second characteristic, it is the characteristic of honesty, whether, in words or actions, he is committed to himself, and the […]
A day in the life of the Prophet is an example to be emulated, as the daily actions that the Prophet Muhammad was doing are a distinct example of worship and getting closer to Allah Almighty for Muslims and Muslim women, and in today’s article, we will talk in detail about A day in the […]
What does our Quran institute provide? offers many courses to learn Quran and learn Quran Tajweed, it offers learning intonation and offers Online 10 Qira’at Course, it offers to Learn Quran Online free, and it offers many other services that we will mention in today’s article in detail. Read more: Why learn Quran online? […]
Why learn Quran online? Memorize Quran online through to memorize and adjust the Noble Quran, your way to endless happiness, where the Quran learning sessions are available remotely in virtual educational sessions via the Internet, where the student communicates with the Quran teacher via video during certain study periods, The Quran learning program paves […]
Learning Islamic Supplications online is Duaa, also called supplication learn it with the help of Professional Quran teachers Online, Learning supplications is necessary for all Muslims. Supplication is a type of remembrance supplication in islam occupies a great rank and high importance, and supplications in islam have many different types, and this is what we will be […]
What do you know about Abu Bakr? Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq is Abdullah bin Othman bin Amer bin Amr bin Kaab bin Saad bin Taym bin Murra bin Kaab bin Louay bin Ghaleb Al-Qurayshi Al-Taymi. His lineage meets the Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, at Murrah bin Kaab By heaven. Read more: How to […]
5 Best websites to learn Islamic Studies online, many people search for the best sites to learn Islamic studies for free for beginners over the Internet, and it is no secret that this era has been able to provide many means of science, given the common technological development, and when some senior Scholars that there […]
How to Learn Quran in Ramadan ? By 1 juz every day you will be easily able to complete 30 juz in 30 days. It might seem a lot to recite 1 juz daily, but breaking it into segments can make it very simple. You can decide how much to recite after every salah and […]
Memorizing the Quran and becoming a Hafiz Quran is a great honor in Islam that brings the Muslim many virtues in this life and hereafter. Learning Quran memorization and Hifz the whole Quran with correct pronunciation could be a great spiritual, mental, and physical challenge. Yet, being a challenge doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. If […]