Embark on Your Quranic Journey: Explore Tajweed Classes Near Me

quran tajweed classes near me

Learning to recite the Qur’an is one of the important things that every Muslim is looking for, especially quran tajweed classes near me, as the science of Tajweed helps a Muslim to master memorizing the Holy Qur’an without making linguistic errors, and therefore we will highlight in our article the quran tajweed classes near me.

The importance of Tajweed science

quran tajweed classes near me is one of the greatest goals that every Muslim should strive to achieve. Out of our desire to spread the sciences of the Holy Qur’an and teach Tajweed of the Quran to beginners, we are pleased to offer you quran tajweed classes near me.

quran tajweed classes near me includes an explanation of the provisions of Tajweed and recitation of the Holy Qur’an based on the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim, where the theoretical provisions are explained in groups and then the recitation is corrected, which increases the learner’s benefit.

quran tajweed classes near me is based on teaching Tajweed of the Quran to beginners remotely in educational groups by Al-Azhar teachers who have a license to recite the Holy Qur’an according to the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim, and are trained in modern teaching methods that enable them to explain the provisions of Tajweed to beginners in a simplified way.

What are quran tajweed classes near me?

quran tajweed classes near me are courses that are concerned with learning and improving the recitation of the Holy Quran with Tajweed, which is an art concerned with improving the performance of the reciter of the Qur’an in reciting it in the correct and appropriate manner, and the science of Tajweed is a science that studies how to improve the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.

And intonation of its rulings, and the origins of its letters and their attributes, taking into account the provisions of recitation and pausing. quran tajweed classes near me vary in the levels and topics they cover, and usually include the following elements:

Learning Quranic letters: 

quran tajweed classes near me focus on learning the Qur’anic letters correctly, including learning the distinct sounds and characteristics of each letter.

Basic Tajweed: 

This level includes learning the basic rules of Tajweed such as Noun Sakinah, Tanween, Maddud, Madd, Lain, Qism, Pausing, Beginning, Ending, and others.

Advanced Tajweed: 

quran tajweed classes near me address the most complex rules and provisions in Tajweed, such as showing, concealing, qalqalah, exaggeration, and others.

Practical application: 

quran tajweed classes near me include training in recitation of the Holy Qur’an with intonation, correction, and improvement through practical application and continuous practice.

Recitation of different narrations: 

Some quran tajweed classes near me focus on learning Tajweed and recitation of different narrations of the Holy Qur’an, such as reading Hafs on the authority of Asim, Warsh on the authority of Nafi’, and others.

Online Courses: 

There are many online courses offered by Quran Oasis Academy in Tajweed, allowing learners to access educational and training materials easily from anywhere.

Benefits of Tajweed courses

quran tajweed classes near me provide many benefits to learners, and among the benefits of free courses in Tajweed rulings are:

Teaching the provisions of Tajweed:

quran tajweed classes near me aim to teach students the origins of the letters of the Holy Qur’an and their characteristics, along with the provisions of recitation and pausing, such as: the provisions of assimilation, the length of the vowel, the pausing and the beginning.

Improving the recitation of the Holy Qur’an: 

quran tajweed classes near me work on students to improve the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, improve it with its rulings, and recite it correctly and free of errors.

Understanding the meanings of the Holy Qur’an: 

quran tajweed classes near me provide the student with a better comprehensive understanding of the meanings of the Qur’an, through knowledge of the provisions of Tajweed and their impact on the meaning.

Feeling the aesthetics of the Qur’an: 

quran tajweed classes near me help students feel the aesthetics of the Holy Qur’an, through knowing the provisions of Tajweed and their effect on the tone of the recitation. 

What types of Tajweed courses does Quran Oasis Academy offer?

Quran Oasis Academy offers different types of quran tajweed classes near me, including:

1-Tajweed rulings course

The Basics of Tajweed course aims to teach the basic rules of Tajweed, including the nouns of the letters and their characteristics, the rules of the Noon Sakinah and Tanween.

The rules of assimilation, the rules of the Madawd, and the rules of stopping and starting. This course is suitable for all levels, from beginners to intermediate.

2-Advanced Tajweed course

It focuses on teaching advanced Tajweed rulings, such as Tajweed rulings in Surat Al-Baqarah, Tajweed rulings in Surat Al Imran, and Tajweed rulings in Surat Ar-Rahman. This course is suitable for students who have basic knowledge of Tajweed rulings.

3-Tajweed course on the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim

It aims to teach the rules of Tajweed based on the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim, which is the most widespread narration in the Islamic world. 

This course is suitable for students who want to learn Tajweed according to the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim in a proficient manner or who want to learn the Qur’an with all the narrations.

4-Bachelor’s degree course in Tajweed

The course on the provisions of Tajweed of the Qur’an, certified with a certificate, aims to grant students a license in the science of Tajweed after they have completed an advanced course in Tajweed. This course is suitable for students who wish to obtain an official license in the science of Tajweed.

5-Dedicated courses in Tajweed

Quran Oasis Academy also provides personalized Tajweed lessons for students who want a personalized education.


At the end of the article, quran tajweed classes near me are a very distinctive way of teaching Tajweed of the Qur’an to girls. In addition, they contribute to saving time and effort as monitoring is done online by experts in the field of Tajweed sciences. Therefore, if you would like to know more details, you can contact us.

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