Unlock the Beauty of Quranic Recitation: Online Tajweed Classes for Sisters

online tajweed classes for sisters

Speaking of online tajweed classes for sisters, learning the Qur’an is very important for every Muslim, and therefore we find many seeking to provide and choose the easiest ways to memorize the Holy Qur’an through the available capabilities, and in light of this importance today, we will talk about the importance of online tajweed classes for sisters.

Features of online tajweed classes for sister

The advantages of the online tajweed classes for sisters are the following points:

  • Encouraging all segments of society, especially young people, to join online tajweed classes for sister, in order to save their time, invest their energies and talents, and work to direct them to what will benefit them and society with great goodness.
  • Working to teach seminar students to recite, recite and recite the Holy Qur’an, without melody or stuttering, and taking into account the origins of the letters, and then strive to memorize the entire Book of Allah Almighty or what is possible of it.

While sensing the great reward that will result from that, and humility and contemplation when reciting or hearing it. From others, and to act according to the correct Islamic doctrine.

  • online tajweed classes for sister instilling a love of the Qur’an in the souls of students, acquainting them with its greatness, raising them on its teachings and etiquette, displaying high Qur’anic morals and good Islamic etiquette and values, and creating an educational faith climate for them.
  • online tajweed classes for sister developing students’ skills in using the Arabic language, correcting their tongues, working on their proficiency in correct pronunciation, and enriching them with a wide range of its vocabulary and methods.
  • online tajweed classes for sister graduating groups of memorizers of the Book of Allah Almighty, qualified to memorize and teach the Holy Qur’an, lead Muslims in mosques, and enrich the nation with a number of students and scholars.
  • online tajweed classes for sister spreading the spirit of competition among students in their interest in the Book of Allah Almighty in order to memorize, understand, and practice it.
  • online tajweed classes for sister providing students with a set of Islamic rulings and etiquette, especially what a Muslim cannot tolerate
  • His ignorance, and teaching them some aspects of Islamic culture, and some of the biographies of the prophets, companions, and scholars, according to what is appropriate for their age and culture.
  • Building mosques by reciting the Holy Qur’an and teaching Islamic knowledge, thereby reviving the message of the mosque.

Objectives of the online tajweed classes for sisters

Many people gather to see someone who corrects their mistakes in reciting the Holy Qur’an in online tajweed classes for sisters. A desire to learn the Qur’an by recitation and memorization under the supervision of a teacher to memorize the Holy Qur’an. 

This is what is known as the online tajweed classes for sisters. The goals of online tajweed classes for sisters are not limited to memorization and learning only; It includes several goals, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Memorizing the Holy Qur’an, and graduating qualified students to teach future generations the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and its rulings. 
  • Investing youth’s time in useful work, and keeping them occupied with important matters. 
  • Establishing a knowledge council surrounded by angels; Everyone who sits or watches the memorization sessions feels the great atmosphere of faith, and is enveloped in the tranquility of Allah Almighty. 
  • Creating feelings of brotherhood and familiarity among students of Quran memorization. 
  • Deepening the student’s sense of pride for adopting Islam as a religion and adopting an identity to be proud of. 
  • Reviving mosques and reconstructing them with Holy Quran memorization sessions, and enhancing their role in building Muslim society.
  • Getting to know the rules of recitation known to the people of Tajweed, the movements, and the pauses while reciting the Holy Qur’an in online tajweed classes for sisters
  • Encouraging students with material and moral incentives, and creating an atmosphere of praiseworthy competition among them. 

Teaching method in online tajweed classes for sisters

There are several methods followed in online tajweed classes for sisters, and they are briefly mentioned below:

The first method: recitation; 

It is the most common method in the online tajweed classes for sisters. The teacher specifies a number of holy verses, so the student memorizes them at home, then presents them to his teacher in the next meeting of the group.

The second method: listening with review; 

It ranks second among the most widespread methods after recitation. In each episode, the student is keen to recite his new memorization, in addition to reciting everything he memorized previously.

The third method: teaching intonation; 

The student applies all the Tajweed rulings he learned in the session, and the teacher corrects his reading if he made a mistake in one of the rulings he learned.

The fourth method: indoctrination before memorization

The student recites the Qur’anic verses he wishes to memorize to his teacher, until when he masters the reading without errors, he begins to memorize the noble verses properly.

Means of developing online tajweed classes for sisters

The online tajweed classes for sisters are distinguished by their profound impact on the student’s behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to follow up and develop the process of dhikr councils and memorization circles. To overcome any obstacles that may hinder it, some of the ways to develop it are mentioned below:

  • Choose the appropriate place to hold the circle in the mosque away from the worshipers. 
  • The teacher sits in the classroom in a place where he can follow all the students and see them without crowding. 
  • The teacher must be patient and have good morals, such as honesty, sincerity, and fairness among his students in listening and motivating. 
  • The teacher’s interest in his appearance and good manners; He is a good role model for his students. 
  • Arranging some trips and recreational visits; To renew the spirit and morale of students.
  • Educating parents of students regarding the importance of their children attending Qur’an circles and knowledge gatherings, and explaining the positive impact that this has on society.


online tajweed classes for sisters are one of the modern methods that aim to teach Tajweed of the Qur’an to Muslim girls remotely. The online tajweed classes for sisters also include many features, which include ease of interaction, effective communication, in addition to many other features.

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