Juz Amma | Understand & Memorize Quran

Juz Amma

Juz’ Amma is the last of thirty sections of the Qur’an, it starting with Surah 78 to Surah 114. Juz’ Amma is named after its very first word (‘amma /عم)

It contains 37 surahs, which are short surahs The main objective of these surahs and of the Juz, in general, is that obedient to Allah.

Because the whole matter is in the hands of Allah, and this part reminds of Judgment Day and the meeting and all of this comes in short, touching, and delicate surahs.

All the information will be presented in our article, please continue reading

What is Juz Amma

Juz Amma ( جزء عم ) is the last part of the Qur’an. Juz Amma ( Juz 30 ) is the last part of the Holy Qur’an that people frequently read, especially in prayer.

The number of surah Juz Amma is thirty-seven surah, and its verses are five hundred and sixty-four verses,

and its words are two thousand four hundred and twenty-three words.

Also,” عم يتساءلون” the first surah in Juz Amma, which is called Surah “النبأ” or “عم,” or “المعصرات” or “التساؤل,” As for the last surah in Juz Amma, it is “الناس”,

It is worth noting that most of the surah of Juz Amma was revealed in Mecca,

and this had a great impact on inviting its people to embrace Islam; Especially since the Noble Qur’an was distinguished by its natural and rational style of persuasion and argument,

and is intended to remind them of the resurrection and the resurrection, the establishment of justice, and so on.

Why is it called Juz Amma?

Juz Amma was called the news because it contains the important news about the resurrection, the resurrection, and the resurrection,

and its verses revolve around proving the resurrection belief that the polytheists denied.

The verses reported on the subject of resurrection, resurrection, and recompense, and established evidence of the power of Allah in the universe,

and that the one who is able to create this universe, including what is in it, is able to re-create man after his death.

I mentioned the resurrection and Hell that were prepared for the unbelievers and the humiliating punishments for the unbelievers and the polytheists in it.

In contrast, there was a description of what Allah has prepared for the righteous,

and this is the method of encouragement and intimidation that we often find in the verses and the surah.

Surah then concluded by talking about the horrors of the Day of Resurrection.

How many surahs in Juz Amma?

A portion of what Allah revealed the Noble Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him -;

To be his eternal miracle and a constitution organizing the affairs of Muslims and ruling their lives as a whole.

The Holy Qur’an contained one hundred and fourteen chapters in its thirty parts,

and the part is often known and is known as the first surah in it or the beginning of the first surah in it,

as in the thirty part of the Holy Qur’an known as Juz Amma. It is the beginning of the first chapter in it,

Surat Al-Naba, which begins with the verse: (عَمَّ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ)


Juz Amma Saud Al Shuraim

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How many surahs in Juz Amma?

The number of Juz Amma surahs includes thirty-seven surahs, beginning with Surat Al-Naba and ending with Surat An-Nas at the end of the Holy Qur’an, and Juz Amma surah list in most of them are Meccan surahs except for Suras Al-Bayyinah and Al-Nasr, which are both civil,

and the surahs of this part of the shortest surahs are different in the palace,

and all of them constitute an integrated and proportional unit in its subject and content.

In the entire surah of this part, a focus is placed on the first creation of creatures on earth,

and a mention and reminder of the scenes, phenomena, and verses that Allah made in this universe, and a talk about the facts of belief and faith,

and this surah is according to the arrangement of the Noble Qur’an.


Juz Amma listNama surah in


Nama surah in arabicArrangement in the QuranAyat numberMeccan surah / Medinan surah
1Surah Al-Naba.


سورة النبإ78 In the thirtieth Jiz40 Ayasurah Meccan
2Surah Al-Nazaat.سورة النازعات79 In the thirtieth Jiz46 Ayasurah Meccan
3Surah Abs.سورة عبس80 In the thirtieth Jiz42 Ayasurah Meccan
4Surah At-Takwir.


سورة التكوير81 In the thirtieth Jiz


29 Ayasurah Meccan
5Surah Al-Infitar.سورة الانفطار82 In the thirtieth Jiz


19 Ayasurah Meccan
6Surah Al-Mutaffifin.


سورة المطففين83 In the thirtieth Jiz


36 Ayasurah Meccan
7Surah Al-Inshiqaq.سورة الانشقاق84 In the thirtieth Jiz


25 Ayasurah Meccan
8Surah Al-Buruj.


سورة البروج85 In the thirtieth Jiz


22 Ayasurah Meccan
9Surah Al-Tariq.


سورة الطارق86 In the thirtieth Jiz


17 Ayasurah Meccan
10Surah Al-Aela.


سورة الأعلى87 In the thirtieth Jiz


19 Ayasurah Meccan
11Surah Al-Ghashiyaسورة الغاشية88 In the thirtieth Jiz


26 Ayasurah Meccan
12Surah Al-Fajr


سورة الفجر89 In the thirtieth Jiz


30 Ayasurah Meccan
13Surah Al-Baladسورة البلد90 In the thirtieth Jiz


20 Ayasurah Meccan
14Surah Al-Shamsسورة الشمس91 In the thirtieth Jiz


15 Ayasurah Meccan
15Surah Al-Lailسورة الليل92 In the thirtieth Jiz


21 Ayasurah Meccan
16Surah Duhaسورة الضحى93 In the thirtieth Jiz


11 Ayasurah Meccan
17Surah Al-Sharhسورة الشرح94 In the thirtieth Jiz


8 Ayatsurah Meccan
18Surah Al-Tin


سورة التين95 In the thirtieth Jiz


8 Ayatsurah Meccan


19Surah Al-Alaq


سورة العلق96 In the thirtieth Jiz


19 Ayasurah Meccan
20Surah Al-Qadr


سورة القدر97 In the thirtieth Jiz


5 Ayatsurah Meccan
21Surah Al-Bayyinah


سورة البينة98 In the thirtieth Jiz


8 Ayatsurah Medinan


23Surah Al-Zalzalah


سورة الزلزلة99 In the thirtieth Jiz


8 Ayatsurah Medinan
24Surah Al-Adiyat


سورة العاديات100 In the thirtieth Jiz


11 Aya surah Meccan
25Surah Al-Qariahسورة القارعة101 In the thirtieth Jiz


11 Ayasurah Meccan
26Surah At-Takasurسورة التكاثر102 In the thirtieth Jiz


8 Ayatsurah Meccan
27Surah Al-Asr


سورة العصر103 In the thirtieth Jiz


3 Ayatsurah Meccan
28Surah Al-Hamzaسورة الهُمزة104 In the thirtieth Jiz9 Ayatsurah Meccan
29Surah Al-Fil


سورة الفيل105 In the thirtieth Jiz5 Ayatsurah Meccan
30Surah Quraishسورة قريش106 In the thirtieth Jiz.4 Ayatsurah Meccan
31Surah Al-Maunسورة الماعون107 In the thirtieth Jiz7 Ayatsurah Meccan
32Surah Al-Kawtharسورة الكوثر108 In the thirtieth Jiz3 Ayatsurah Meccan
33Surah Al-Kafirunسورة الكافرون109 In the thirtieth Jiz 6 Ayatsurah Meccan
34Surah Al-Nasr


سورة النصر110 In the thirtieth Jiz3 Ayatsurah Medinan
35Surah Al-Masad


سورة المسد111 In the thirtieth Jiz5 Ayatsurah Meccan
36Surah Al-Ikhlas


سورة الإخلاص112 In the thirtieth Jiz4 Ayatsurah Meccan
37Surah Al-Falaqسورة الفلق113 In the thirtieth Jiz5 Ayatsurah Meccan
38Surah Al-Nasسورة الناس114 In the thirtieth Jiz6 Ayatsurah Meccan
  • النَّبأ.
  • النازعات
  • عبس.
  • التكوير.
  • الانفطار.
  • المطفِّفين.
  • الانشقاق.
  • البروج.
  • الطارق.
  • الأعلى.
  • الغاشية.
  • الفجر.
  • البلد.
  • الشمس.
  • الليل.
  • الضحى.
  • الشَّرح.
  • التِّين.
  • العلق.
  • القدر.
  • البيِّنة.
  • الزَّلزلة.
  • العاديات.
  • القارعة.
  • التَّكاثر.
  • العصر.
  • الهُمزة.
  • الفيل.
  • قُريش.
  • الماعون.
  • الكوثر.
  • الكافرون.
  • النَّصر.
  • المسد.
  • الإخلاص.
  • الفلق.
  • النَّاس

How to memorize Juz Amma?

The surahs of Juz Amma are distinguished by being the shortest surahs in the Holy Qur’an. Therefore,

  • many teachers begin to memorize amma juz for children in particular, and in order to achieve perfect memorization,
  • the correct steps must be followed. Some of them are explained below.
  • Correcting pronunciation is one of the most important steps for memorizing juz amma is correcting pronunciation and recitation,
  • and it helps to pronounce the verses in a correct and sound manner by listening to an expert sheikh,
  • mastering the pronunciation of the words of the Qur’an is by receiving from a sheikh orally and directly.
  • Making a table for memorization The student makes a table for memorization, and this table includes the elements The following:

Determining the desired goal

Such as planning to memorize an entire juz’ amma, its the first half, or its last half.

Determining the time to achieve the goal, through an estimated table, which determines the time required to memorize each surah,

or the time required to memorize a certain number of verses, such as an estimate of memorizing a daily page.

Setting a time to review the memorized verses

With a clear schedule by reading it during the obligatory and supererogatory prayers,

thus regulating the time of its daily memorization, and reviewing the memorized surahs.

Auditory memory

It depends on the student receiving verses from his Sheikh by listening, and the Sheikh corrects his student’s mistake if any.

 Mental memory

It depends on understanding the meanings of verses, comparing similar ones, and knowing their locations.

Visual memory

It depends on drawing the Qur’an, so the student memorizes the beginning and end of the surah,

as well as the beginning and the end of the page as if the student appears to him when he recites what he memorizes,

so it is necessary for the student to allocate for himself a Qur’an.

Dividing the verses into sections linked by one topic helps to memorize a part of the division of verses into sections.

 Be careful to memorize from the end of the juz

Because it gives a sense of achievement, raises the spirit, and strengthens the resolve,

especially in young people, or those who are weak in vigor and determination;

Because the surahs at the end of the juz are short, more numerous, and less difficult,

and many students have a glimpse of them through school books,

so the student feels that he has accomplished and memorized a large number of surahs,

so his resolve is strengthened, which urges him to continue, and the desire to memorize more.

Matters that help in memorizing a part of Juz Amma and mastering it

Who wants to memorize Quran juz amma a part of his uncle and master it must seek help from things that help him to memorize and raise his energy, including:

  1. Choosing good companionship. The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, urged him to choose good companionship; It has positive effects on the behavior of the individual, helping him to do good
  2. Revising the Qur’an with Hafez helps to perfect and consolidate memorization, and facilitates revision without errors, and it also prevents vanity because the student sees someone who is superior to him in memorizing the Qur’an, so he remains in a constant quest to improve himself, and to master it.
  3. The sincerity of intention to Allah, so the student’s goal of memorizing the Qur’an is to please Allah and grant him success in this world and the hereafter, through worshiping by reading it, memorizing his words – Glory be to Him and winning His Paradise.
  4. Praying Allah commands His servants to pray and promises them to respond. This is because memorizing the Qur’an is a favor from Allah to the servant, and a gift and an honor, so whoever wants to memorize an uncle’s part must resort to Allah, and make a lot of supplications to help him and enable him to memorize and facilitate his mastery.

juz amma log

What is the first surah in Juz Amma?

Al-Nabaa is a Meccan surah, known in most of the Qur’ans as Surat Al-Naba, and it was called in other copies of Surat Amma,

which is the eighty surahs in the order of the revelation of the surahs to the Prophet – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him.

The Noble Qur’an, the number of its verses is forty, and the surah dealt with the struggle of the unbelievers in the Holy Qur’an,

and the issues brought by the Qur’an that contradict what they believe,

such as the issue of resurrection and resurrection after death. and the bliss that the believers will receive at the resurrection.

What percentage of the Quran is Juz Amma?

Juz Amma, the 30th Juz of the Holy Quran, holds a unique distinction. It comprises 37 Surahs, making up approximately 31.5% of the entire Quran. This might seem surprising considering it’s the final Juz.

Shorter Surahs, More Content

While Juz Amma may have fewer pages than some of the earlier Juzes, its Surahs are generally shorter. This allows for a larger number of Surahs to be included within its pages.

The Significance of Juz Amma

The shorter Surahs in Juz Amma often focus on specific themes and teachings. This makes it a valuable resource for those seeking to understand various aspects of Islamic beliefs and practices.

How many ayat in juz amma?

Juz Amma, the thirtieth chapter, the number of its surahs is 36, most of them are short chapters. The number of verses of this section is 564 verses, the total is 995 verses.

How many pages in juz amma?

It has 20 pages.

Related Questions

What is the longest surah in the Quran?

The longest surah in the Qur’an The surahs of the Noble Qur’an vary in terms of their length, and the longest surah of the Holy Qur’an is Surat Al-Baqarah, and this is consistent with the opening of the Noble Qur’an with the long seven chapters,

and the beginning with Surat Al-Baqarah being the longest among the chapters of the Noble Qur’an and the longest verse in the Qur’an is The verse of religion in Surat Al-Baqarah.

Surat Al-Baqarah is distinguished by the fact that all its verses are civil, with the consensus of scholars on that, as most of the verses of Surat Al-Baqarah were revealed at the beginning of the migration, and their number is two hundred and eighty-six verses, and some scholars, including Ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with him – have mentioned That the last verse of the Holy Qur’an was revealed in Surat Al-Baqarah; And it is the saying of Allah- Almighty and Majestic -: (And beware of the Day when you will be returned to Allah, then every soul shall be paid back what it has earned, and they shall not be left behind] [Al-Fatihah] in the Holy Qur’an. He began with Surat Al-Baqarah, then followed by the remainder of the seven long ones, by giving precedence to the Medinan ones over the Meccans.

How many Ayat are there in Quran?

The scholars agreed that the number of verses of the Noble Qur’an is 6200, but their opinions were varied about more than that, so they said: 6204 verses, and some of them said: 6214 verses, and some of them said: 6225 verses and some of them said 6236 verses, and some of them did not add anything and said: 6200 verses, and this is what al-Danni transmitted.

These numbers can be distributed among seven schools of thought as follows:

  • Number 6217: It is the first civil number that Nafi` narrated on the authority of his Sheikhs Abi Jaafar and Shaybah.
  • Number 6214: It is the last civil number narrated by Ismail bin Jaafar on the authority of Suleiman bin Jammaz on the authority of Abi Jaafar and Shaybah.
  • Number 6210: It is the Meccan number that was narrated by Abu Amr al-Dani on the authority of Ibn Katheer, on the authority of Mujahid, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, on the authority of Abi Ibn Ka’b, on the authority of the Messenger of Allah – may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him.

Who divided the Quran into 30 parts?

Some of them divided the Qur’an into thirty sections and called each part of it the name of the Juz’, so that no other part would come to mind at the time of uttering,

even if someone says: I read a part of the Qur’an, it comes to mind that he recited one of the thirty parts into which they divided the Qur’an.

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