7 Most Effective Online Quran Classes in UK & USA

Online Quran Classes

Are you are a Muslim resident in UK or USA? Do you feel disconnected from your religion? Would you like to raise your kids upon the teachings of the Quran & Islam? Do you want to learn Quran & Islam from a reliable resource? We have the ideal solution to help you!

You or your kids can learn Quran at home in an effective and interactive way through online Quran classes with native Quran tutors. The Quran teacher online represents the new era of Quran learning where boundaries like time, distance, and high cost are NOT ANYMORE! Actually, it has been proven in all aspects that the advantages of Quran e-learning exceed traditional classes at a Mosque or Islamic center.

For Muslims living in USA or UK, there are many online Quran classes out there. So, the reasonable question in “How to choose the best online Quran classes?”. Quran Oasis, a leading Quran school has the answer to this question as well!

Here is a list of 7 Most Effective Online Quran Classes in the UK & USA…

Online Quran Classes

1. Online Quran Reading Classes

Learning Quran reading is the most common and essential online Quran class in UK & USA. They are designed for absolute beginners who don’t know how to read Arabic or Quran. they endeavor to teach you or your kids how to read Quranic Arabic, the language of the Quran.

The Quran online tutor in these Quran classes keens on teaching you all the basics of Quran reading starting from learning the Arabic Alphabet and vowels, joining of letters to make words, and reading the Arabic Script of the Quran.

Moreover, you’ll learn “Diacritics” which tells you how to read Arabic words so you do not need to memorize their pronouncing. You will also be able to read Arabic supplications (Dua’a) and the characteristics of the Holy Quran writing.

The goal of online Quran reading classes at Quran Oasis is to help students to become fluent in Quran reading in Arabic and eliminate any struggles in identifying letters and words of Quranic Arabic and their correct pronunciation.

What You’ll Learn in Online Quran Reading Classes?

  • The Arabic Alphabet
  • Arabic Diacritics
  • Letters Forms
  • Vowels
  • Sukun
  • Shaddah
  • Madd – Lengthening
  • Shaddah with Tanween
  • Laam rules
  • AlifulWasl rules
  • Characteristics of the Quranic writing

Tuition Fees

We offer 5 different pricing plans that meet various needs and conditions. You can start to learn Quran reading online as low as $36 per month which provides you with 2 classes per week and 30 mins per class.

The recommended plan for this type of class is learning 3 Days/Week which costs $48 monthly.

Moreover, We provide special offers & prices for families and groups. Not to mention that we offer a customized plan as per your needs and conditions.

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    2. Online Quran Recitation 

    Learning Quran recitation and correct Tilawah is also one of the most important online Quran classes in the UK & the USA. it helps you or your kids to recite the Quran in the best possible manner seeking Allah’s pleasure and satisfaction.

    The importance of reciting the holy Quran the right way is immense. It is one of the basic rights of the Quran for us believers to recite it rightfully.

    The Holy Book of Quran has been revealed down upon us for us to read (recite) it, understand the teachings, and apply them to our daily lives.

    In online Quran recitation classes with experienced Egyptian Quran tutors, you’ll learn how to correctly recite the Quran with perfect pronunciation, different recitation techniques, and word meanings to recite Quran with understanding.

    Your Quran teacher will set a schedule for you to continuously revise what you have learned to ensure that your recitation is improving.

    Moreover, you will be trained on the Quran phonetic if you need to correct the articulation of some sounds. The items you learn will be recorded at each lesson in order to help you practice at any time.

    What You’ll Learn in Online Quran Recitation Classes?

    • Quranic Phonetics
    • Quran Recitation Techniques
    • Recitation of Short Surahs
    • Recitation of Long Surahs
    • Arabic Diacritics
    • Letters Forms
    • Intro to Tajweed Rules
    • Characteristics of the Quranic writing
    • The Tanween
    • The Shaddah
    • Hamzatul-Wassl
    • Laam At-Ta’reef
    • Rules of Stopping

    Tuition Fees

    Quran Oasis offers 5 different monthly pricing packages that meet various needs and conditions. You can start to learn Quran recitation online as low as $36 per month which provides you with 2 classes per week and 30 mins per class.

    The recommended plan for this type of class is learning 4 Days/Week which costs $64 monthly.

    Moreover, We provide special offers & prices for families and groups. Not to mention that we offer a customized plan as per your needs and conditions.

    Join our team of dedicated Quran tutors. Apply now!

    3. Online Quran Tajweed Classes

    Quran Tajweed Course - Quran Oasis
    Online Quran Tajweed Classes – Quran Oasis

    Tajweed is the science of reciting the Quran according to the way heard by the companions from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Allah Almighty said:

    And recite the Qur’an with measured recitation.”

    The Holy Quran [73:4]

    The correct recitation, as a result, requires learning and applying the Quran Tajweed through your recitation. Tajweed is not only the rules of reading, but It’s also the rules of pronouncing. So, the native Quran tutor is certainly the right choice to master Quran recitation for kids and adults.

    Online Tajweed Quran Classes in UK & USA aims to help students to recite the Quran the same way the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recited it and eliminate any mistakes in Quran recitation that could cause miss-interpretation of Allah’s (SWT) divined message.

    In this type of Quran class, you will learn the rules of Tajweed, starting from the principles of recitation to the characteristics and Quran letters articulation.

    You will learn all of this and more through lessons full of examples from the Quran and accompanied by the practical recitation of the Holy Quran.

    In every lesson, your teacher will train you on the Tajweed rules and how to apply them to the Quran through recitation.

    Also, the items you learn will be recorded at each lesson so you can practice Tajweed at any time.


    What You’ll Learn in Online Tajweed Quran Classes?

    What is Tajweed?

    Tajweed is the art and science of reciting the Quran with proper pronunciation, articulation, and intonation. It ensures that the Quran is recited accurately, preserving its beauty and meaning.

    Benefits of Learning Tajweed

    • Correct Pronunciation: Tajweed helps you recite the Quran with the correct pronunciation of each letter, ensuring that you convey the intended meaning.
    • Improved Fluency: Mastering Tajweed can enhance your fluency in reading the Quran, making it easier to understand and appreciate.
    • Spiritual Connection: Reciting the Quran with proper Tajweed can deepen your spiritual connection and understanding of Allah’s words.
    • Confidence in Recitation: Learning Tajweed can boost your confidence in reciting the Quran in front of others.

    Understanding the Basics of Tajweed

    Heavy and Light Letters

    Tajweed classifies letters into heavy and light categories based on their pronunciation and impact on surrounding letters.

    Rules of Noon Saakin and Tanween

    These rules govern the pronunciation of the silent “n” (Noon Saakin) and the nasal “n” (Tanween) in various contexts.

    Rules of Meem Saakin

    Similar to Noon Saakin, the rules for Meem Saakin determine how the silent “m” is pronounced.


    Qalqala refers to the vibration or rattling sound produced by certain letters at the end of words.

    Laam in the Exalted Name of Allah

    This section covers the specific rules for pronouncing the letter “L” in the name of Allah.

    Letter Raa Rules

    The rules for the letter “R” address its pronunciation in different positions within words.

    Madd – Lengthening Rules

    Madd refers to the lengthening of certain vowels in specific circumstances.

    Stopping at the End of Words

    These rules guide you on how to pause or stop at the end of words during recitation.

    The Qualities of the Letters

    Tajweed also explores the unique qualities and characteristics of each letter, influencing its pronunciation.


    To reinforce your understanding, online Tajweed classes often include exercises to practice the rules and improve your recitation skills.

    Tuition Fees

    For this type of Quran class, you or your kids can start to learn Tajwid online as low as $36 per month which provides you with 2 classes per week and 30 mins per class.

    The recommended plan for this type of class is learning 4 Days/Week which costs $64 monthly.

    Moreover, We provide special offers & prices for families and groups. Not to mention that we offer a customized plan as per your needs and conditions.

    4. Online Quran Memorization Classes

    Each Muslim dreams of Memorizing the Quran and understanding its meanings. Quran is the guidance sent by Allah Almighty to his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran:

    Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.

    The Holy Quran [15:9]

    Being able to learn the Quran by heart is a beautiful feeling, a great asset, and sacred possession in itself. It’s like you carry the Quran in your heart.

    Each Muslim should memorize the Quran and encourage his/her children to do. That’s why Quran Oasis provides unique Online Hifz Quran Classes for kids & adults.

    we have male and female native Quran teachers specializing in Quran teaching. They hold Ijazah and have long experience in teaching Quran memorization online.

    During the online Quran memorizing classes in UK & USA, your Quran teacher will start with the short Surahs to the long ones to ensure easy, gradual memorization of all of the Holy Quran.

    Your teacher will work on facilitating memorization and help you overcome any problems with memorization, Tajweed, or phonetics.

    What You’ll Learn in Online Quran Memorization Classes

    • Learn the 4 techniques of fast Hifz
    • Learn the forgetfulness types and how can you solve these problems
    • Increasing your memory abilities.
    • Quantum reading technique
    • Scan reading technique
    • Deep memorization
    • Advantages of Quran recitation by heart
    •  Importance of becoming Hafiz/Hafiza

    Tuition Fees

    For this type of Quran class, you or your kids can start to learn Tajwid online as low as $36 per month which provides you with 2 classes per week and 30 mins per class.

    The recommended plan for this type of class is learning 5 Days/Week which costs $75 monthly.

    Moreover, We provide special offers & prices for families and groups. Not to mention that we offer a customized plan as per your needs and conditions.

    5. Online Tafsir Al-Quran Classes

    Tafsir Quran Course - Quran Oasis
    Online Tafsir Quran Classes – Quran Oasis

    Tafseer/Tafsir Quran is an advanced type of Quran class for those who already know how to read & recite the Quran properly but want to get an in-depth understanding of the Quran.

    Tafsir Al-Quran depends on the compilation of other sciences such as linguistics, fiqh, hadith, and theology to understand the meaning of the Quran and commands sent by Allah almighty to us.

    Online Quran Tafseer Classes in UK & USA involve learning the correct interpretation of the Quran, knowing the situation in which the verses were revealed as well as understanding the Quranic verses with an in-depth explanation.

    Our Tafsir Quran teachers have vast-knowledge and long experience to be able to transmit such Quranic knowledge.

    The Quran teacher usually starts by explaining the meaning of the first Surah in the Holy Quran (Surat al-Fatiha) and moving to short-surahs then longer ones until the end of the Holy Quran.

    Moreover, you’ll gain a true understanding of the Quran and the religion of Islam.

    You will know the detailed history and context behind the revelation of the Quranic verses and surahs. In addition to the historical background and the great event that transpired in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

    What You’ll Learn in Online Quran Tafsir Classes

    • Definition of Tafseer
    • Virtues of Quran
    • Importance of recitation & understanding
    • Comparison of Quran with other previously revealed scriptures
    • Protection of Quran
    • Order and editing of Quran in the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqui and Usman (R.A)
    • Virtues and problems of ta’awwuz and tasmiyah
    • Understanding of Allah Almighty’s commands (Ahkam)
    • Application of commands
    • Ethics
    • Usul Tafsir
    • Ilmul Blagah
    • Ahaadis
    • Tafseer Surah Al-Fatiha
    • Tafseer Short Surahs
    • Tafseer Medium Surahs
    • Tafseer Long Surahs

    Tuition Fees

    For this type of Quran class, you or your kids can start to learn Tafsir online as low as $36 per month which provides you with 2 classes per week and 30 mins per class.

    The recommended plan for this type of class is learning 5 Days/Week which costs $75 monthly.

    Moreover, we provide special offers & prices for families and groups. Not to mention that we offer a customized plan as per your needs and conditions.

    6. Online Quran Classes for Kids

    Online Quran Classes for Kids - Quran Oasis
    Online Quran Classes for Kids – Quran Oasis

    This is a unique type of Quran class; it’s designed especially for our beloved Muslim kids, males & females. It aims to instill the love of learning the Quran in their hearts at a young age.

    Online Quran Classes for Kids in UK & USA provided by Quran Oasis where there are specialized Quran tutors who have long experience in teaching Quran & Arabic to kids online and have special teaching methods that simplify the learning process and make it interesting.

    As Muslim parents, one of the best education types we can provide to them is Quranic education. We should teach our kids how to read & recite the Quran, the importance of the Quran & its teachings, how to memorize the Quran, etc.

    At Quran Oasis, we utilize the Holy Quran stories in our classes; it’s a great way to explain Allah’s (SWT) divine doctrine by which each true Muslim should live. It’s also an interesting way to keep kids interested in learning the Quran.

    What Your Kids Will Learn in Online Quran Classes for Kids

    • Quranic Arabic for Kids
    • Quran Reading Basics for Kids
    • Quran Recitation for Kids
    • Basic Tajweed Rules for Kids
    • Quran Memorization for Kids
    • Basic Tafseer for Kids

    Tuition Fees

    We offer 5 different pricing plans that meet various needs and conditions. Your kids can start to learn Quran online as low as $36 per month which provides you with 2 classes per week and 30 mins per class.

    7. Online Quran Ijazah Classes

    The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.

    Hadith [Sahih al-Bukhari 5027]

    Unlike the previous type of Quran classes, this one is made for adults who are willing to transmit the Quranic knowledge and teach Quran to others.

    “Ijazah” or “Ijaza” (in Arabic: الإِجازَة) linguistically means “permission”, “authorization”, or “license”.

    It is an accredited certificate that grants its holder the authority of transmitting and teaching Quran recitation with tajweed or Quran Memorization according to Ijazah type.

    During the online Quran Ijazah classes in UK & USA, the certified Quran scholars at Quran Oasis will verify your skills and abilities, assess your knowledge of Quran and Hadith, test your area of interest, and then grant you Ijazah.

    Utilizing repeated tests and quizzes, we will assess your knowledge and hold over that particular arena. You would need to pass the tests with flying colors to be able to get the Ijazah, and it would not be difficult with us.

     Our Quran scholars and professionals will help you master the course.

    Ijazah gives you the confidence to recite and memorize the Holy Quran. Also, it helps you to follow up the Quran lessons provided to your children, and even to teach Quran to your family members.

    Do you want your kids to learn more about online quran teaching Classes? Sign up for Quran Oasis’s Online Quran Classes program and watch them dive deeper into the Holy Book of Allah.

    Quran Oasis’s online Arabic classes for kidsQuran classes for adults and let your children learn the accurate Quran recitation and word pronunciation even if Arabic is not their first language.

    Quran teaching for children in Quran Oasis is fun as well as structured, they’ll learn with Noor Kids;

    Our Quran teacher  ( House of Quran ) will be their friends during this amazing journey.

    Online learning can be challenging if you’re seeking it for your kids. Quran Oasis offers you a wide variety of topics to teach your children online.

    Whether it’s Quran onlineArabic onlineTajweedIjazah, or Islamic Studies, online quran classes for adults

    Quran Oasis has your back with professional Quran tutors who are willing to go further with your kids’ education. With an attractive interface and well-structured lessons,

    Quran Oasis gives your children the chance to learn with Noor Kids .who are going to be your kids’ new friends, accompanying them in their learning process and encouraging them to learn more.


    Unlock the Power of Learning Quran Online!

    At Quran Oasis, we make learning the Quran accessible, flexible, and personalized for you. Whether you’re a beginner or seeking to deepen your understanding, our online Quran courses are designed to fit your schedule and learning needs. Why wait? Start your journey today and gain the spiritual and practical knowledge you’ve always wanted.

    🌟 Why Choose Quran Oasis?

    • Learn Quran online from experienced and qualified instructors.
    • Flexible timings that fit your lifestyle.
    • Interactive classes with personalized feedback.
    • Courses designed for beginners and advanced learners alike.

    Start now with our Reading Quran Basics Course and experience the difference of learning Quran online with ease and convenience.

    👉 Visit Quran Oasis and enroll today!


    Are you looking to deepen your understanding of the Quran? Discover the top 10 websites that offer comprehensive Quran lessons online. From beginner to advanced levels, these platforms provide interactive courses, guided recitations, and expert tutors to help you learn the Quran effectively.

    Click here to explore the best Quran learning websites and embark on your spiritual journey.

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