can i touch the quran without wudu?

The Holy Qur’an is the greatest and most honorable of the heavenly books that were revealed, and when we deal with this holy book, there are many 

Rulings related to purity. Therefore, in our article today, we will discuss the ruling on reading quran without wudu.

Ruling on reading the Qur’an without ablution 

Reciting quran without wudu is considered permissible, and it is better for a person to read it while he is pure. The evidence for the permissibility of reading the Qur’an without ablution is the saying of Aisha – may Allah be pleased with her -:

(The Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to remember Allah at all times). 

What indicates that it is permissible to read the quran without wudu, and that ablution is not obligatory for reading it, is the action of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – as narrated by Ibn Abbas – may Allah be pleased with him –

on the day he spent the night with the Prophet’s wife, Maymunah – may Allah be pleased with her – while he was a young boy.


He said: (Until the middle of the night, or a little before it or a little after it, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, woke up and sat wiping the sleep from his face with his hand, then he recited the ten verses He brought the last verses from Surah Al Imran, then he got up to a hanging hanger and performed ablution from it, and his ablution was perfect. Then he stood up and prayed. 


This opinion was held by the scholars, including the honorable companions and many other scholars, and it was also proven on the authority of Omar ibn al-Khattab – may Allah be pleased with him – that he recited quran without wudu.

It is permissible to read the quran without wudu, provided that the person has not committed a major event from which ablution is required, such as impurity, menstruation, or postpartum, whether he wants to read by heart or by sight from the Qur’an. Accordingly, purity and ablution to read online Qur’an are among the etiquette that a person must do before starting to read it, which is From the perfection of the situation, and from the desirable things

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Ruling on touching the Qur’an without performing ablution 

It is forbidden for someone who commits a major event to touch the quran without wudu. Such as a menstruating woman, a postpartum woman, or a woman in a state of impurity, according to what Allah Almighty says: “None shall touch it except the purified,” and because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, recommended that no one should touch the Qur’an except a pure person. That is, one who does not perform ablution:

1-The Hanafi school of thought

is that it is forbidden to touch all or part of it, or anything on which something from the Quran is written. Such as money, or touching it with any clothing; Because it followed him, and they permitted touching it with a stick or a pen, or for a child for the sake of learning and memorizing, or books of interpretation on the condition that the interpretation in it is greater than the Qur’an, but the opposite is not permissible.

2-The Malikis and Shafi’is 

The Malikis and Shafi’is held that it is forbidden to touch the Holy Qur’an, even with a barrier, a piece of paper, or a lash, and they permitted touching it for the sake of knowledge if the woman is menstruating or postpartum; This is due to the difficulty of removing the excuse.

And as for one who is in a state of sexual impurity, it is not permissible for him to touch him; Because of its ability to remove the excuse by washing, they also permitted the writing of the Qur’an on the condition of not touching it. 

3-The Hanbalis

Also consider it forbidden to touch him, even if he is a boy intending to learn or memorize, and they permit touching books of interpretation, or anything that is not called the Qur’an. Such as money, clothing with the Qur’an written on it, and if a person needs to touch the Qur’an when he loses water, then it is permissible for him to perform tayammum.

The bottom line is that there has been consensus on the prohibition of touching the Holy Qur’an for someone who has committed a major sin, and as for someone who has committed a minor sin, most jurists are of the opinion that it is not permissible. 

As for writing it and touching it with the intention of teaching or memorizing, it is permissible according to the majority, with the exception of the Malikis. A number of the honorable companions stipulated that one should be pure if they touch the Qur’an. Such as Ali, Ibn Masoud, and Ibn Omar – may Allah be pleased with them -.

Most jurists are of the opinion that it is permissible for a boy to touch the Qur’an without purity. If it is for the purpose of knowledge and memorization; Because saying that they must be pure may cause alienation for them, and the permissibility was for them out of necessity. 

As for the Hanbalis, they have two opinions: One is permissibility, the other is its impermissibility; Considering adults. It is permissible for the boy to touch him according to the jurists. To ward off hardship, and encourage memorizing and learning the Holy Qur’an.


At the end of the text, the reader of the Holy Qur’an must observe purity before touching the Qur’an. Thus, in our article today, we have discussed many of the provisions related to reading the quran without wudu.

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