10 Powerful Duas for Forgiveness in Islam You Need to Know

Man was created by nature to make many mistakes and forgetfulness, and therefore he is always looking for something to atone his sins, and therefore there are many dua for forgiveness in islam. Therefore, in our article today, we will discuss some of the dua for forgiveness in islam in addition to some hadiths in which the supplications were also mentioned.

Benefits of dua for forgiveness in islam

dua for forgiveness in islam has many positive effects on society, including:

  • Limiting the spread of corruption and evil among Muslims, because the one who makes a mistake and is pardoned tries hard not to make the same mistake, in order to preserve the pardon that the one who pardoned him graciously granted. Reuniting the nation, and unifying the word of Muslims against their enemies and those who wish them harm. 
  • Removing grudges, grudges and hatred from the hearts of those who tolerate others. 
  • Spreading affection and brotherhood among people. If an insult is met with a similar insult, then this will be a reason for the continuation of hatred and hatred among souls. However, if the same insult is met with kindness and forgiveness; This calms the soul and extinguishes its anger. 
  • Spreading love that brings people together, not divides. Causing blessings to spread and spread among Muslims.

dua for forgiveness in islam

1-Among dua for forgiveness in islam( O Lord, teach me to love people as I love myself, and teach me to hold myself accountable as I hold people accountable, and teach me that tolerance is the greatest level of strength and that love of revenge is the first manifestation of weakness.

O Lord, do not let me become arrogant if I succeed, or despair if I fail, but always remind me that failure is the experiences that precede success).

2-(Oh Allah I seek refuge in you from knowledge that does not benefit, and from a heart that does not shine, and from a soul that does not follow, and from a call that is not answered for it, the number of it).


3-“O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You. You created me and I am Your servant, and I abide by Your covenant and promise as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. 


I acknowledge Your blessing upon me, and I seek refuge in You For my sin, so forgive me, for no one forgives sins except You.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari, In Sahih Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Shaddad bin Aws, page or number: 6306, Sahih.]


4-Among dua for forgiveness in islam “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from laziness and arrogancece. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from torment in the Fire and torment in the grave.” [Narrated by Muslim, in Sahih Muslim, on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, page or number: 2723, authentic.]


5-Among dua for forgiveness in islam “O Allah, You are the King, there is no god but You, You are my Lord, and I am Your servant. I have wronged myself and confessed my sins, so forgive me all my sins. 


He does not forgive sins Except You, and guides me to the best of morals. No one can guide me to the best of them except You. And turn away from me the bad of it. No one will turn away from the bad of it except You. 


I belong to You and Your happiness, and all good is in Your hands, and evil is not up to You. I am through You and to You, I am blessed and exalted. I seek Your forgiveness and I repent to You.” [Narrated by Muslim, in Sahih Muslim, on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib, page or number: 7 71, true.]

dua for forgiveness in islam in English 

Speaking of dua for forgiveness in islam, here are these prayers:


Among dua for forgiveness in islam “O Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me and accept my repentance. Indeed, You are the Most Merciful.” [Narrated by Imam Ahmad, in Musnad Ahmad, on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, page or number: 7/190, its chain of transmission is authentic.]


Among dua for forgiveness in islam “O Allah, forgive me my sin, humble my devil, release my bet, and place me in the highest league.” [Narrated by Al-Albani, in Sahih Abu Dawud, on the authority of Abu Al-Azhar Al-Anmari, page or number: 5054, authentic.]


Among dua for forgiveness in islam “O Allah, I have wronged myself greatly, and no one can forgive sins except You, so grant me your forgiveness. Indeed, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari, in Sahih Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Abdullah bin Amr, page or number :7387, true.]

How to pray for forgiveness in Islam?


  • Among dua for forgiveness in islam “O Allah, forgive me my sin, my ignorance, and my extravagance in my affairs, and what you know better than me. O Allah, forgive me my seriousness and my jest, my mistake and my intentionality, and all of that is with me, O Allah Forgive me for what I have done and what I have delayed, and what I have concealed and what I have declared, and what You know better than me. You “You are the one who comes forward and you are the latter, and you have power over all things.” [Narrated by Muslim, in Sahih Muslim, on the authority of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, page or number: 2719, authentic.]


  • “O Allah, praise be to You, filling the sky, filling the earth, and filling everything you want after that. O Allah purify me with snow, hail, and cold water. O Allah, purify me from sins and sins, just as the third is purified White sand is made of dirt.”[Narrated by Muslim, in Sahih Muslim, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Awfa Page or number: 476, correct.


  • Among dua for forgiveness in islam “O Allah, forgive me for all my sins and sins. O Allah, revive me, compel me, and guide me to good deeds and morals, for no one guides to good deeds or turns away bad deeds except You.” [Narrated by Al-Albani, in Sahih Al-Jami’, on the authority of Abu Umamah Al-Bahili, page or number: 1266, Hassan.]


At the end of the text, the previous paragraphs include many dua for forgiveness in islam, in addition to many hadiths in which prayers for forgiveness are mentioned. We also discussed the impact of tolerance on the individual and the society around him in detail.

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