The iqlab letters in arabic is the inversion of the noon sakinah or tanween meem before the ba, taking into account the ghanna and concealment. The nun and tanween are inverted into a mema because they share the ba in the exit and the nun in the ghana. It is also the replacement of a letter in place of another and the conversion of the sakinah nūn or nūn to a meem. In this post, we will discuss the iqlab letters in arabic in detail.
What is the concept of Iqlab?
The definition of iqlab, linguistically and idiomatically, is as follows: Inversion in language. What is meant by iqlab letters in arabic linguistically: transformation, that is, turning something away from its destination, so it is said to turn the thing over; Any deviation from its destination and course. Inversion is a term that means placing a letter in the place of another letter. It is the inversion of the noon sakinah or the tanween into a pure silent meem verbally if the letter b comes after it.
What is the iqlab letters in arabic?
The iqlab letters in arabic is one letter, which is the letter b. If the ba comes after the sakina nun in one or two words; The noun sakina is inverted into a meem, and if the letter b comes after the tanween, this is in only two words; So the nūn of tanween is inverted into a pure meem, and the sign of inversion is in the Qur’an. Meem above the letter Noun.
What is the face of iqlab its reason?
The aspect of iqlab letters in arabic is represented by the difficulty of pronouncing the adhar and assimilation with the noun sakinah or tanween if the letter b comes after them; This is due to the difference between the exit of the letter b and the exit of the sukun letter noun. Some may wonder why the Nūn Sakinah and Tanween were changed to Mīmā and not to another letter?
The answer to that is represented by the similarity of the letters meem and baa in the exit and in the attributes of loudness, interstitial, infatah, and dhalaq, and the meem shares with the nun in the ghana and all the attributes.
When applying the rule of iqlab letters in arabic, the reader must take into account the presence of a gap between the lips when pronouncing, without a complete closing of the lips, and be gentle without being burdensome or arbitrary.
How do you apply the rule of iqlab?
There are three steps to apply the rule of iqlab, which we will mention below: Inverting the noon sakinah or tanween meem when the letter b comes after them. Hiding the noon sakinah or tanween when the letter b comes after them. Introducing a ghannah when pronouncing the inverted meem.
What is the difference between iqlab and ikhfa shafawi?
Ikhfaa shafawi requires one operation in its application, which is concealing the meem sakinah at the ba. As for iqlab letters in arabic, it requires two operations:
- Inverting the noon sakana into a meem sakina.
- Hiding the meem that is silent at the ba.

Another example: If an intention comes to you with a fatḥah (ḍ), or an intention with a ḍamm (ḍ), an intention with a kasra (َ), or the letter nūn followed by the letter (b), then this is an inversion. Example مِنۢ بَعۡضٖۗ) is a sakana nūn followed by the letter bā, and bā is one of the iqlāb letters.
But if the letter (m) comes to you and is followed by the letter (b), this is a verbal concealment. Example: (هُم بالسَّاهرَة), a silent meem followed by the letter b, and the letter b is an oral hidden letter.
What is the importance of Tajweed science?
In addition to the iqlab letters in arabic. The importance of Tajweed stems from the fact that:
- It gives the letters their right and due, so that the reader of the Qur’an can be proficient in reading.
- A means of avoiding mistakes in reading the Qur’an, so that the reader can enjoy the pleasure of Allah Almighty.
- He will have a great reward, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be gathered with the honorable and righteous.
- Trace how the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Whoever violates this characteristic and reads the Qur’an according to his whims, has violated the Sunnah of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
Tajweed has great importance, because Allah Almighty has prepared for the reciter of the Qur’an a great status and a great reward. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah ’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The one who is skilled in the Qur’an is with the honorable and righteous travelers, and the one who recites the Qur’an and stumbles in it, and it is difficult for him; He has two rewards.”
What is the effect of Tajweed on Quranic understanding?
Tajweed is an important tool for clarifying Quranic concepts and meanings. When a Muslim learns the rules of Tajweed and applies them while reciting the Qur’an, he is able to understand the texts more deeply and accurately.
Tajweed helps in analyzing verses and determining the weights of words and detail in recitation, which enhances a comprehensive understanding of the Qur’anic meanings.
Tajweed contributes to strengthening the spiritual connection between the reader and the Qur’an, as the Muslim lives an in-depth and moving experience while reciting the divine words with the correct voice and recitation.
it can be said that memorizing and understanding the Qur’an are among the most important goals that Muslims seek to achieve. Careful memorization and beautiful recitation contribute to preserving Allah’s words and spreading them among people. On the other hand.
Understanding the Quranic meanings and applying them in daily life enhances the spiritual connection with Allah and provides guidance and wisdom. In this context, Tajweed plays a crucial role in enhancing the process of memorization and understanding of the Qur’an, as it helps with correct pronunciation, clarifying concepts, and deepening the spiritual impact of reading. So in the previous lines we have discussed the iqlab letters in arabic.